3514 Ranch Road 1320, Johnson City, TX 78636

Revolutionizing Sustainable Dyes and Circular Design

print-on-demand print presses in organic cotton apparel factory

As a certified organic company, Teemill not only embraces cutting-edge low-waste digital printing technology but also prioritizes inks that adhere to the stringent GOTS/Soil Association organic criteria. Check out how Teemill is shaping the future of sustainable dyeing practices and circular design:

Ink Prowess: Certified Organic and Animal-Friendly

Teemill’s commitment to organic principles extends to its printing technology. The company employs low-waste digital printing technology, utilizing inks that adhere strictly to the GOTS and Oeko-Tex certifications. These inks not only meet the organic criteria but also align with the Soil Association’s stringent standards. What’s more, Teemill’s inks contain no animal-derived products and undergo no animal testing, emphasizing the brand’s dedication to cruelty-free practices.

Water-Based Wonders: A Sustainable Shift

Teemill takes a bold step towards sustainability by choosing water-based inks for its printing processes. These inks, certified by both GOTS and Oeko-Tex, distinguish themselves by their eco-friendly composition. The water-based nature allows for the removal of prints from products at the end of their use, facilitating the retention of valuable materials. This proactive approach not only minimizes waste but also eliminates the pollution typically associated with alternative dyeing methods.

Innovation in Action: Synthesizing a New Chemical

Teemill’s commitment to organic, water-based inks led to the synthesis of a new chemical that is more malleable than the synthetic polymers commonly used in the industry. It simplifies the ink to essentially pigment in water. This innovation ensures that the ink remains compatible with Teemill’s printers and the groundbreaking Remill process. Teemill’s dedication to innovation showcases a willingness to push boundaries for the sake of sustainable practices.

Taking Back the Future: Circular Design in Action

Teemill doesn’t just stop at sustainable ink and printing practices; it envisions a future where circular design becomes the industry standard. Teemill is actively working on a waste-sorting system that will enable the brand to take back products from other retailers. Recognizing the urgency of removing legacy feedstock from the system, Teemill plans to incentivize customers with store credits for returning items, creating a closed-loop system that values and rewards sustainable consumer behavior.

Shaping the Loop

Teemill’s journey into sustainable dyeing practices and circular design is not just a commitment—it’s a blueprint for the future of fashion. By prioritizing certified organic, water-based inks and actively shaping the economic dynamics of material circulation, Teemill is setting a precedent for an industry that values innovation, sustainability, and a circular economy. The future of fashion is not just stylish; it’s eco-conscious and socially responsible, and Teemill is leading the way.

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