Julie Martin

How to Use Chickens and Cattle to Regenerate Soil Health

How to Use Chickens and Cattle to Regenerate Soil Health

Regenerative agriculture is a holistic approach to farming that aims to restore and improve soil health. One key aspect of regenerative agriculture, and one championed by Joel Salatin, is the use of chickens and cattle in a symbiotic relationship to regenerate soil health. Chickens consume the maggots found in the manure produced by cattle, thus playing an an important role...Read More
What is Regenerative Agriculture and Why is it Important?

What is Regenerative Agriculture and Why is it Important?

As first-generation ranchers, we've witnessed a powerful movement taking shape among a new generation who are purchasing larger plots of land. It's a movement centered around regenerative agriculture—a transformative farming approach that we believe holds the key to our collective future. In this blog post, we'll delve into what regenerative agriculture is, why it is essential for us as first-generation...Read More
Experiencing Loss as Part of Learning

Experiencing Loss as Part of Learning

Y'all, this is a tough one to write. It's something we all experience, and tend to only discuss in the tightest of circles. It feels a little embarrassing, a lot like failure, weeps of sorrow, with a tinge of irresponsibility. We've had animals die on the ranch, more than we care to admit, to ourselves and to others. Here's the...Read More
Persevering Through Adversity

Persevering Through Adversity

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.Walter Elliott Some call it perseverance, we call it grit. In farming and ranching, there is always going to be loss. The challenge is maximizing returns and minimizing loss with the least amount of input required for success to realize the greatest gains. This gets emotional...Read More
Bringing Home Honey Bees

Bringing Home Honey Bees

What’s not to love about bees? They’re cute, fuzzy, and so important to our ecosystem. Before you get started, however, there are a few factors you need to consider. Keep reading for information on starting your own backyard beehive! What do you need to know before bringing home your first bees? Before you bring home your first bees, here's what...Read More
Intensive Farming is Eating Up the Australian Continent

Intensive Farming is Eating Up the Australian Continent

The Conversation highlights the growing global concern for soil erosion with a spotlight on Australia. With 58% of Australia's land being used for farming, maintaining and restoring soil levels is of growing importance. Additionally, local flora is suffering by diversity loss around the globe as legumes and grasses grown specifically for livestock grazing are replacing hundreds of native grasses.  Ecologist Sue...Read More